If you're using Chrome, the right column of this blog isn't displaying correctly. Switch to Firefox. If you're using the iPad, you're a tool. If you're using IE, go kill yourself.
(This person is kinda upset that I dissed their favorite browser. I actually use Chrome and I like it, but for some reason the layout here is different than on Firefox. And of course, the iPad and IE just plain suck. You tool.)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


No, I'm not a Star Wars geek. Midi-chlorians "are a microorganism in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, first mentioned in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. They are microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the Force. They are symbionts with all other living things and without them life could not exist. The Jedi have learned how to listen to and coordinate the midi-chlorians. In order to be a Jedi or a Sith, one must have a high enough concentration of midi-chlorians in one's cells."

This prankster is awesome. Check out his YouTube channel pranking more TV fundies.