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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Face on Mars

I saw this on TV a long time ago and shit my pants. I didn't understand the story, I just looked at the image. Now I know what it's about.

In 1976 the Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars to find a good landing spot for Viking 2. As it was snapping photos, it discovered an image of a human/alien face on the planet's surface. It stretched nearly two miles and was located on the region of Mars called Clydonia.

The scientists' shock and awe didn't last that long, though. They soon found out it was just another mesa common throughout Clydonia, only this one had the weird resemblance of a face.

In 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor went back to the red planet and snapped pictures ten times sharper than those in 1976. The results showed a natural-looking landform; the older version was so blurred that it depicted a face.

But you can never shut a conspiracy theorist up. The CTs claimed that at that the time the new pics were taken, it was winter on Mars, and so the clouds and winds hazed up the alien markings.

(Non sequitur paragraph, but I don't care. This is what a CT would've spammed on YouTube had it existed in 1998. ALIEN MARKINGS FOUND ON MARS! NASA IS COVERING IT UP!! 39 WELL-KNOWN PHYSICISTS AND ASTRONOMERS ARE COMING OUT AND TELLING THE TRUTH. FOLLOW THIS LINK!)

So three years later, on a cloudless summer day in Clydonia, the scientists took more photos -- these ones were digital camera pics. And guess what? No face. It was proved even more thoroughly with the much sharper images.

In fact, this is a 3D image of the "face." It debunks the alien thing even further.

But still the conspiracy theorists permeate the message boards and spread their lies.