If you're using Chrome, the right column of this blog isn't displaying correctly. Switch to Firefox. If you're using the iPad, you're a tool. If you're using IE, go kill yourself.
(This person is kinda upset that I dissed their favorite browser. I actually use Chrome and I like it, but for some reason the layout here is different than on Firefox. And of course, the iPad and IE just plain suck. You tool.)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


A stoma is any opening in the body that links a part of the inner body cavity to the outside world. It can be either natural (mouth) or artificial. Three well-known artificial types of stoma are colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy. These would be necessary when disease has prevented the internal organs to safely process waste. A pouch worn on the outside of the body, connected to the stoma, would be necessary to collect the person's waste.