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Monday, September 7, 2009

Men can breastfeed, too

Yep. Some 26 year-old pussy from Sweden, who is a full-time economics student at Stockholm University, is pumping his breasts for a few months to try to make a point that it's possible for men "to get much closer to their children at an early stage" -- as if that's the only way to do it. And it's not like there'll be much milk at all. During a nine month pregnancy a woman gets doused with estrogen, which suffices the baby. At the end of three or four months of pumping this idiot dad will get enough for "a drop or two."

Here are some disturbing quotes from the article:

"I'm going to have to pull out the pump during lectures [at school]. But really it doesn't bother me if it makes people uncomfortable. If they have issues with it that's their problem."

"But if he works on it regularly he'll likely notice a layer of tissue forming beneath the areola and it should be possible to produce enough of the hormone prolactin to cause lactation," [Sigbritt Werner, professor of endocrinology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm] said.