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(This person is kinda upset that I dissed their favorite browser. I actually use Chrome and I like it, but for some reason the layout here is different than on Firefox. And of course, the iPad and IE just plain suck. You tool.)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reduce junk mail

I was listening today to a podcast of Diane Rehm about "greening your life." One of the tips was to stop those damn companies from sending you those damn catalogs and advertisements you don't even bother to look at. That way, less trees would be cut down and less fuel would be burned for the modes of transportation to get to your house and deliver the mail.

I had known for a long time that you can write to the companies and tell them you don't want the junk mail, but they probably won't read your letter anyway. So one of the panelists on the show pointed out that there are websites designed to help you greatly reduce the amount of crap in your mailbox. The three she recommended were Catalog Choice, GreenDimes, and myJunkTree. There are also a whole slew of other websites that do the same thing.